by ChemSIN | 01/12/2012 | Publications, Article Peerreview
Henry, Frédéric; Snyders, Rony; Renaux, Fabian; Coppée, Séverine; Lazzaroni, Roberto; Vandencasteele, Nicolas; Reniers, François. 2012, December. Synthesis of superhydrophobic PTFE-like thin films by self- nanostructuration in a hybrid plasma process. ....
by ChemSIN | 01/12/2012 | Publications, Patent
Llobet, Eduard; Leghrib, Radouane; Delgado Olivella, Marc; Pireaux, Jean-Jacques; Felten, Alexandre; Guillot, Jérôme; Migeon, H.; Mansour, Ali; Reniers, François; Claessens, Nicolas. 2012. Device for the selective detection of benzene gas, method of obtaining it and...
by ChemSIN | 01/12/2012 | Publications, Patent
Reniers, François; Demoisson, Frédéric; Pireaux, Jean-Jacques. 2012. Method for depositing nanoparticles on a support. . Status of the publication: Published
by ChemSIN | 01/08/2012 | Publications, Article Peerreview
Kakaroglou, Alexandros; De Graeve, Iris; Terryn, Herman; Scheltjens, Gill; Van Assche, Gert Van; Van Mele, Bruno; Nisol, Bernard; Willem, Rudolph; Reniers, François; Biesemans, Monique. 2012, August. Deposition and characterisation of plasma polymerised allyl...
by ChemSIN | 01/08/2012 | Article Peerreview, Publications
Henry, Frédéric; Duluard, Corinne; Batan, Abdelkrim; Reniers, François. 2012, August. Plasma diagnostics of an Ar/NH 3 direct-current reactive magnetron sputtering discharge for SiN x deposition. .