by ChemSIN | 17/01/2022 | Conference Poster, Publications
Thulliez, Max; Bastin, Orianne; Hadefi, Alia; Fernandez Y Viesca, Michael; Nonclercq, Antoine; Garcia, Marie-Isabelle; Reniers, François; Devière, Jacques; Delchambre, Alain. 2022, January 17. Description and feasibility of a new cold atmospheric plasma delivery...
by ChemSIN | 12/01/2022 | Publications, Patent
Pireaux, Jean-Jacques; Reniers, François; Guillot, Jérôme; Gulas, Michal; Claessens, Nicolas; Batan, Abdelkrim; Mansour, Ali. s.d.. Method for depositing nanoparticles on substrates. . Status of the...
by ChemSIN | 12/01/2022 | Publications, Patent
Reniers, François; Hubert, Julie. s.d.. Method for Polymer Plasma Deposition. . Status of the publication: Published
by ChemSIN | 01/12/2021 | Publications, Article Peerreview
Chen, Qianqian; Song, Bing; Li, Xiaochen; Wang, Renjie; Wang, Shun; Xu, Sankui; Reniers, François; Lam, Chun Ho. 2021, December 01. Enhancing the Properties of Photocatalysts via Nonthermal Plasma Modification: Recent Advances, Treatment Variables, Mechanisms, and...
by ChemSIN | 02/08/2021 | Publications, Conference Poster
Bastin, Orianne; Thulliez, Max; Nonclercq, Antoine; Delchambre, Alain; Reniers, François. 2021, August 02. Comparison of Sinusoidal and Pulsed Cold Plasma Transported in Meters long Tubing on Agarose Gel Model for Application in Endoscopy. ....