by ChemSIN | 01/07/2013 | Publications, Article Peerreview
Hammons, Joshua A; Muselle, Thibault; Ustarroz Troyano, Jon; Tzedaki, Maria; Raes, Marc; Hubin, Annick; Terryn, Herman. 2013, July. Stability, Assembly, and Particle/Solvent Interactions of Pd Nanoparticles Electrodeposited from a Deep Eutectic Solvent. ....
by ChemSIN | 01/05/2012 | Publications, Article Peerreview
Hammons, Joshua A; Rayment, T; Tzedaki, Maria; Van Ingelgem, Yves; Ustarroz Troyano, Jon; Vandendael, Isabelle; Hubin, Annick; Terryn, Herman. 2012, May. In situ study of gas transport through Al(OH)3 gels during AC processing. ....
by ChemSIN | 01/01/2012 | Publications, Article Peerreview
Ustarroz Troyano, Jon; Ke, Xiaoxing; Hubin, Annick; Bals, Sara; Terryn, Herman. 2012, January. New Insights into the Early Stages of Nanoparticle Electrodeposition. . Status of the publication:...
by ChemSIN | 01/12/2011 | Publications, Article Peerreview
Ustarroz Troyano, Jon; Hammons, Joshua A; Van Ingelgem, Yves; Tzedaki, Maria; Hubin, Annick; Terryn, Herman. 2011, December. Multipulse electrodeposition of Ag nanoparticles on HOPG monitored by in-situ by Small-Angle X-ray Scattering. ....
by ChemSIN | 01/12/2010 | Publications, Article Peerreview
Ustarroz Troyano, Jon; Gupta, Uma; Hubin, Annick; Bals, Sara; Terryn, Herman. 2010, December. Electrodeposition of Ag nanoparticles onto carbon coated TEM grids: A direct approach to study early stages of nucleation. ....