by ChemSIN | 31/05/2000 | Publications, Article Peerreview
Baer, Thomas; Visart de Bocarmé, Thierry; Kruse, Norbert. 2000, May 31. Structural changes of Ag crystals during reaction with nitric oxide. . Status of the publication: Published...
by ChemSIN | 20/05/2000 | Publications, Article Peerreview
Visart de Bocarmé, Thierry; Baer, Thomas; Kruse, Norbert. 2000, May 20. Field ion microscopy study of the structural changes in Rh crystals during the reaction of oxygen–hydrogen gas mixtures. .
by ChemSIN | 24/01/1999 | Publications, Article Peerreview
Medvedev, Valentyn; Suchorski, Yuri; Visart de Bocarmé, Thierry; Bar, Thomas; Kruse, Norbert. 1999, January 24. FIM studies of clean and graphitized rhodium using lithium and oxygen as imaging species. ....
by ChemSIN | 22/01/1999 | Publications, Article Peerreview
Baer, Thomas; Visart de Bocarmé, Thierry; Kruse, Norbert. 1999, January 22. Explosive phenomenon during the interaction of NO with Ag. . Status of the publication: Published...
by ChemSIN | 01/01/1999 | Publications, Report
Visart de Bocarmé, Thierry. 1999, January. OCAS report – Characterisation of nano-precipitates in steel. . Status of the publication: Not published