by ChemSIN | 15/06/2007 | Publications, Article Peerreview
Moors, Matthieu; Visart de Bocarmé, Thierry; Kruse, Norbert. 2007, June 15. Surface reaction kinetics studied with nanoscale lateral resolution. . Status of the publication: Published...
by ChemSIN | 01/05/2007 | Publications, Conference Proceedings
Kruse, Norbert; Visart de Bocarmé, Thierry; Frennet, Alfred; Bastin, Jean Marie. 2007, May. Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress on Catalysis and Automotive Pollution Control (CAPoC7): vol. 2. New-York: Springer....
by ChemSIN | 23/01/2007 | Publications, Article Peerreview
Visart de Bocarmé, Thierry; Chau, Thoi-Dai; Kruse, Norbert. 2007, January 23. The interaction of CO-O2 gas mixtures with Au tips: in situ imaging and local chemical probing. . Status of the...
by ChemSIN | 23/01/2007 | Publications, Article Peerreview
Bagot, Paul A. J.; Cerezo, Alfred; Smith, George D.W.; Visart de Bocarmé, Thierry; Godfrey, Terence J.. 2007, January 23. Automobile exhaust catalysis at the atomic scale: atom-probe investigations on platinum alloys. ....
by ChemSIN | 15/09/2006 | Publications, Article Peerreview
Visart de Bocarmé, Thierry; Chau, Thoi-Dai; Kruse, Norbert. 2006, September 15. Dynamic interaction of CO/H2O mixtures with gold nanocrystals: Real-time imaging and local chemical probing. . Status...