by ChemSIN | 01/04/2020 | Publications, Article Peerreview
Lambeets, S.V.; Visart de Bocarmé, Thierry; Perea, Daniel D.E.; Kruse, Norbert. 2020, April 01. Directional Gateway to Metal Oxidation: 3D Chemical Mapping Unfolds Oxygen Diffusional Pathways in Rhodium Nanoparticles. ....
by ChemSIN | 26/01/2020 | Publications, Article Peerreview
Iablokov, Viacheslav; Alekseev, Sergei S.A.; Gryn, Svitlana S.V.; Bezverkhyy, Igor; Zaitsev, Vladimir; Kovarik, Libor; Visart de Bocarmé, Thierry; Kruse, Norbert. 2020, January 26. Superior Fischer-Tropsch performance of uniform cobalt nanoparticles deposited into...
by ChemSIN | 09/09/2019 | Publications, Conference Poster
Jacobs, Luc; Barroo, Cédric; Visart de Bocarmé, Thierry. 2019, September 09. Fundamental processes on Au‐Ag model catalysts studied by electron microscopies. . Status of the publication: Published...
by ChemSIN | 05/09/2019 | Publications, Conference Poster
Ghistelinck, Judith; Ploegaerts, Gregory; Dulgheru, Petrica; Visart de Bocarmé, Thierry; Benrubi, Sarah SB; Mederos-Henry, Fransisco. 2019, September 05. Identification key for adhesives used in conservation of ceramics and glass. ....
by ChemSIN | 22/08/2019 | Publications, Conference Contribution
Barroo, Cédric; Visart de Bocarmé, Thierry. 2019, August 22. Towards a better understanding of catalytic processes on single nanoparticles using field emission techniques. . Status of the...