by ChemSIN | 24/07/2016 | Publications, Conference Contribution
Barroo, Cédric; Visart de Bocarmé, Thierry. 2016, July 24. Field Ion Microscopy and Pulsed Field Desorption Mass Spectrometry: Unique Tools for Surface and Subsurface Analysis. . Status of the...
by ChemSIN | 24/07/2016 | Publications, Conference Contribution
Barroo, Cédric; Visart de Bocarmé, Thierry. 2016, July 24. Imaging Graphene by Field Ion Microscopy. . Status of the publication: Not published
by ChemSIN | 03/07/2016 | Publications, Conference Poster
Barroo, Cédric; De Decker, Yannick; Visart de Bocarmé, Thierry; Kruse, Norbert. 2016, July 03. The origin of nonlinear dynamics in catalytic NO2 reduction: in situ study by field emission techniques. ....
by ChemSIN | 03/07/2016 | Publications, Conference Poster
Barroo, Cédric; De Decker, Yannick; Visart de Bocarmé, Thierry; Gaspard, Pierre; Kruse, Norbert. 2016, July 03. Catalysis down to a single nanoparticle: study of fluctuating dynamics. . Status of...
by ChemSIN | 03/07/2016 | Publications, Conference Poster
Lambeets, Sten; Barroo, Cédric; Gilis, Natalia; Kruse, Norbert; Visart de Bocarmé, Thierry. 2016, July 03. CO2 hydrogenation on single rhodium nanoparticle: a study by field emission techniques. .