by ChemSIN | 22/08/2016 | Conference Poster, Publications
Rayee, Quentin; Doneux, Thomas; Buess Herman, Claudine. 2016, August 22. Silver electrodeposition on gold from a choline chloride – urea electrolyte. . Status of the publication: Not published...
by ChemSIN | 22/08/2016 | Publications, Conference Contribution
Gilis, Natalia; Jacobs, Luc; Lambeets, Sten; Visart de Bocarmé, Thierry. 2016, August 22. Enrichissements superficiels dans les alliages or-argent: étude des influences physico-chimiques par sonde atomique. ....
by ChemSIN | 16/08/2016 | Publications, Conference Poster
Rayee, Quentin; Vanderaspoilden, Stéphanie; Doneux, Thomas; Buess Herman, Claudine. 2016, August 16. Influence of dicyanamide anions on the behavior of copper at a gold electrode. . Status of the...
by ChemSIN | 01/08/2016 | Publications, Article Peerreview
Ozkan, Alp; Dufour, Thierry; Silva, Tiago; Britun, Nikolay; Snyders, Rony; Reniers, François; Bogaerts, Annemie A M B A.. 2016, August. DBD in burst mode: Solution for more efficient CO2 conversion?. ....
by ChemSIN | 25/07/2016 | Publications, Article Peerreview
Barroo, Cédric; Visart de Bocarmé, Thierry. 2016, July 25. Imaging Graphene by Field Ion Microscopy. . Status of the publication: Published
by ChemSIN | 25/07/2016 | Publications, Article Peerreview
Barroo, Cédric; Visart de Bocarmé, Thierry. 2016, July 25. Field Ion Microscopy and Pulsed Field Desorption Mass Spectrometry: Unique Tools for Surface and Subsurface Analysis. . Status of the...