by ChemSIN | 17/04/2018 | Publications, Conference Poster
Jacobs, Luc; Barroo, Cédric; Gilis, Natalia; Lambeets, Sten; Genty, Eric; Visart de Bocarmé, Thierry. 2018, April 17. Real-time nanoscale imaging of catalytic reactions: study of binary alloys by field emission techniques. ....
by ChemSIN | 01/03/2018 | Conference Poster, Publications
Blond, Pascale; Mattiuzzi, Alice; Valkenier, Hennie; Troian Gautier, Ludovic; Bergamini, Jean-François; Doneux, Thomas; Goormaghtigh, Erik; Raussens, Vincent; Jabin, Ivan. 2018, March. Surface Modification of Germanium with Oligo(ethylene glycol) Functionalized...
by ChemSIN | 29/08/2017 | Publications, Conference Poster
Gilis, Natalia; Jacobs, Luc; Lambeets, Sten; Genty, Eric; Barroo, Cédric; Visart de Bocarmé, Thierry. 2017, August 29. Surface enrichment in gold/silver alloys: Study of the physicochemical influences using atom probe tomography. ....
by ChemSIN | 29/08/2017 | Publications, Conference Poster
Gilis, Natalia; Lambeets, Sten; Prakash, Jai; Barroo, Cédric; Visart de Bocarmé, Thierry. 2017, August 29. Chiral recognition using field ion and field emission microscopy. . Status of the...
by ChemSIN | 04/08/2017 | Publications, Conference Poster
Lambeets, Sten; Barroo, Cédric; Owczarek, Sylwia; Genty, Eric; Gilis, Natalia; Visart de Bocarmé, Thierry. 2017, August 04. Nanoscale Imaging of Subsurface Oxygen Formation on Rhodium Catalysts. .
by ChemSIN | 04/08/2017 | Publications, Conference Poster
Gilis, Natalia; Prakash, Jai; Barroo, Cédric; Visart de Bocarmé, Thierry. 2017, August 04. Nanoscale Chiral Recognition Using Field Ion and Field Emission Microscopy. . Status of the publication:...