by ChemSIN | 08/07/2019 | Publications, Conference Poster
Jacobs, Luc; Visart de Bocarmé, Thierry; Akey, Austin J; Bell, David C; Barroo, Cédric. 2019, July 08. Field emission techniques used to unravel the catalytic reactivity of a single nanoparticle: the case of Au-based catalysts. ....
by ChemSIN | 09/06/2019 | Publications, Conference Poster
Bastin, Orianne; Thulliez, Max; Merche, Delphine; Ozkan, Alp; Nonclercq, Antoine; Delchambre, Alain; Devière, Jacques; Reniers, François. 2019, June 09. Generation and transport of cold plasma in metres-long tubing for plasma medicine application in endoscopy. ....
by ChemSIN | 05/09/2018 | Publications, Conference Poster
Rayee, Quentin; Baustert, Christophe; Soma, Fousseni; Doneux, Thomas; Buess Herman, Claudine. 2018, September 05. Palladium Electrodeposition from Deep Eutectic Solvents. . Status of the...
by ChemSIN | 05/09/2018 | Publications, Conference Poster
Rayee, Quentin; Doneux, Thomas; Buess Herman, Claudine. 2018, September 05. Silver Electrodeposition in Choline Chloride – Urea Deep Eutectic in the Presence of Thiourea. . Status of the...
by ChemSIN | 09/08/2018 | Publications, Conference Poster
Lambeets, S.V.; Barroo, Cédric; Owczarek, Sylwia; Kruse, Norbert; Visart de Bocarmé, Thierry. 2018, August 09. Subsurface Oxygen Formation during H2 Oxidation over Rh, Pt and Pt-Rh Model Nanoparticles. ....
by ChemSIN | 01/07/2018 | Publications, Conference Poster
Blond, Pascale; Mattiuzzi, Alice; Valkenier, Hennie; Troian Gautier, Ludovic; Bergamini, Jean-François; Doneux, Thomas; Goormaghtigh, Erik; Raussens, Vincent; Jabin, Ivan. 2018, July. Grafting of Oligo(ethylene glycol) Functionalized Calix[4]arene-tetra-diazonium...