by ChemSIN | 01/01/2018 | Publications, Article Peerreview
Mamme, Mesfin Haile; Köhn, Christoph; Deconinck, Johan; Ustarroz Troyano, Jon. 2018, January 01. Numerical insights into the early stages of nanoscale electrodeposition: Nanocluster surface diffusion and aggregative growth. ....
by ChemSIN | 01/12/2017 | Publications, Article Peerreview
Michez, Roman; Doneux, Thomas; Buess Herman, Claudine; Luhmer, Michel. 2017. NMR Study of the Reductive Decomposition of [BMIm][NTf2] at Gold Electrodes and Indirect Electrochemical Conversion of CO2. ....
by ChemSIN | 01/12/2017 | Article Peerreview, Publications
Rayee, Quentin; Doneux, Thomas; Buess Herman, Claudine. 2017. Underpotential deposition of silver on gold from deep eutectic electrolytes. . Status of the publication: Published...
by ChemSIN | 01/12/2017 | Publications, Article Peerreview
Siinor, Liis; Siimenson, Carolin; Doneux, Thomas; Buess Herman, Claudine. 2017. Adsorption of 2,2′-bipyridine at an Au(111). . Status of the publication: Published
by ChemSIN | 01/12/2017 | Publications, Article Peerreview
Michielsen, Inne; Uytdenhouwen, Y.; Pype, Judith; Michielsen, Bart; Mertens, Jeremy; Reniers, François; Meynen, Vera; Bogaerts, Annemie A M B A.. 2017, October. CO2 dissociation in a packed bed DBD reactor: First steps towards a better understanding of plasma...
by ChemSIN | 01/12/2017 | Publications, Article Peerreview
Mamme, Mesfin Haile; Deconinck, Johan; Ustarroz Troyano, Jon. 2017. Transition between kinetic and diffusion control during the initial stages of electrochemical growth using numerical modelling. .